Leadership Videos
The videos below represent a small collection of films that are available online for teaching a variety of leadership and character lessons. Included below each film is a brief description. WACA does not specifically endorse any of these films or the messages contained therein. Note: In order to ensure that the video(s) you select are the right fit for your school or classroom please preview all videos in their entirety before showing them, thank you.
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special collections
Check out a few of the special video clip collections we have in our video share, including a special sports/leadership
themed section in honor of the WACA 2016 theme: For the Love of the Game.
themed section in honor of the WACA 2016 theme: For the Love of the Game.
Featured: Video clips from the long running CBS segment hosted by Steve Hartman.
Featured: Commercials with a positive message from a variety of companies and non- profit organizations.
Featured: Video clips from the Kid President YouTube Channel and television show.
Featured: Video clips from the highly successful and varied YouTube Channel.
Featured: Video clips from a variety of sources, all with a sports related message or connection.
Featured: Video clips on a variety of topics presented at TED, TEDx or other large group speaking engagements.