Good Afternoon WACA Area 8!
My name is Sarah LeDuc and I am the Area 8 representative on the WACA board. I will be sending out emails throughout the school year to let you know about important WACA information. Please email me if you choose to no longer receive my emails or feel free to forward them on if you know someone who should be receiving them that isn’t.
It’s not too early to plan on attending our upcoming conference. This year’s theme is For Love of the Game. Our conference will be held at the Three Rivers Convention Center March 9th-11th, 2016.
The WACA webpage ( has recently been redone and it is amazing! Take a minute to check out all that it has to offer. Here’s a sneak peek:
1. Registration for the 2016 conference will open soon. I encourage you to complete it online and simply fax your PO to the number listed. Easy, quick, and nearly paperless! Also, if you bring 4 or more people, you get a discount!
2. Nominations for our Hall of Fame award are open. Please take a minute and think about someone you know who has given of themselves for leadership. It may be a former teacher or coworker who is very worthy of the award. If so, you can nominate him/her at
3. We are looking for conference presenters. If you have a great lesson or activity, please consider sharing it with the delegates. This can be a short Meet the Pros session (just 10 minutes, wow!) or at a longer breakout session (50 minutes, just like class!). If you are interested, please click the link on
4. There are even more resources available on the website than ever. My favorite new area is in the Idea Share, under the heading VIDEO LIBRARY. Here, there are over 200 videos, sorted by topic, that illustrate leadership lessons. The videos often lift my spirits when I find I’m needing inspiration and tend to drive home teachable points to kids.
5. Finally, if you have a great idea to share, please take a minute to submit it to the website. It’s quick and easy to do.
I hope your year has started out well. Please don’t hesitate to email me with any questions you have.
Happy Thursday!
My name is Sarah LeDuc and I am the Area 8 representative on the WACA board. I will be sending out emails throughout the school year to let you know about important WACA information. Please email me if you choose to no longer receive my emails or feel free to forward them on if you know someone who should be receiving them that isn’t.
It’s not too early to plan on attending our upcoming conference. This year’s theme is For Love of the Game. Our conference will be held at the Three Rivers Convention Center March 9th-11th, 2016.
The WACA webpage ( has recently been redone and it is amazing! Take a minute to check out all that it has to offer. Here’s a sneak peek:
1. Registration for the 2016 conference will open soon. I encourage you to complete it online and simply fax your PO to the number listed. Easy, quick, and nearly paperless! Also, if you bring 4 or more people, you get a discount!
2. Nominations for our Hall of Fame award are open. Please take a minute and think about someone you know who has given of themselves for leadership. It may be a former teacher or coworker who is very worthy of the award. If so, you can nominate him/her at
3. We are looking for conference presenters. If you have a great lesson or activity, please consider sharing it with the delegates. This can be a short Meet the Pros session (just 10 minutes, wow!) or at a longer breakout session (50 minutes, just like class!). If you are interested, please click the link on
4. There are even more resources available on the website than ever. My favorite new area is in the Idea Share, under the heading VIDEO LIBRARY. Here, there are over 200 videos, sorted by topic, that illustrate leadership lessons. The videos often lift my spirits when I find I’m needing inspiration and tend to drive home teachable points to kids.
5. Finally, if you have a great idea to share, please take a minute to submit it to the website. It’s quick and easy to do.
I hope your year has started out well. Please don’t hesitate to email me with any questions you have.
Happy Thursday!